Friday, July 12, 2013

The Dragon’s Path by Daniel Abraham Read Along: Week 1

If you haven't read the book, why not join in and read along with the rest of us?

Carl from Stainless Steel Droppings set the questions this week and you can find all the discussions over at Goodreads.

This week we read through to the end of the second Dawson chapter, page 153 in my Kindle edition.

It seems very strange not to be making my own post to answer the questions, but it is always good to try something new and the book itself has got me gripped so far.


  1. The OCD part of me also had a hard time not making a post answering the, I did as you did, throwing up a little post telling everyone how much fun we were having over at Goodreads.

    1. It is certainly very different using the Goodreads Group feature to hold our discussions. I just wish that it would nest the replies like blogs do because it can be a little difficult to follow who is replying to what . . .


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