My Rating:
2.5 / 5.0
Rating: 4.10 / 5.00
Rating: 4.00 / 5.00
When Celia
Bowen is a young girl her mother commits suicide and she is delivered to a
father that she has never known. He styles himself ‘Prospero the Magician’, but
he is no simple illusionist and uses real magic to wow his audiences. He tells
her that she will prepare for a magical duel that she will fight against the
pupil of Prospero’s competitor, Alexander. The time, place and even the rules
of the duel are a secret that he does not reveal to Celia. Meanwhile, Alexander
finds a boy that calls himself Marco in an orphanage and starts to train him
for the approaching duel.
years later, Marco is assigned to assist entrepreneur Chandresh Lefevre as he
creates ‘Le Cirque des Reves’ or ‘The Night Circus’. The Circus travels
mysteriously from place to place and is only ever open at night. It offers a
truly unique experience to the audience as the performers use their remarkable
skills and not a little magic to produce breathtaking effects. Celia is hired
as an illusionist for the Circus and as she and Marco both imbue it with their
competing magic it becomes the stage for their duel. However, it seems that
only one magician can survive the duel and the lovers must decide how to end
the duel without losing themselves and everyone who is now bound to the Circus.
In some
ways I wish I had not heard anything about this book before starting it,
because the descriptions are not very accurate and give a false sense of what
to expect. This is a pet peeve of mine because it distracts me from the actual
book by setting up expectations that are then left unrealized: I should not
read a book waiting for the things promised by the ‘blurb’ on the back cover if
they never arrive.
description of the book places a lot of emphasis on the duel between Celia and
Marco, and yet the book itself seems to ignore this aspect of the plot for
quite a long time. Indeed, the Circus itself is the main focus of the book from
start to finish and the people who inhabit and visit the Circus are most
definitely secondary in importance. Yet, we never get a good description of
much of the Circus or its performers, which left me frustrated and
disappointed. A good deal of time is spent showing some of the more magical
attractions, but these vignettes did not really progress the story or serve
much purpose apart from being cool and showing the power of the magicians. It
is very obvious that Ms Morgenstern is in love with circuses, but there was far,
far too much time spent drifting through ‘the wonders of the Circus’. However,
perhaps the most annoying aspect of the Circus is that even with all the magic
that is on display, it is all supposed to be a wondrous illusion and no one
seriously questions whether or not it really IS magic.
By concentrating
so closely on the Circus itself the characters were given little time or space
to flourish. The protagonists are unaware of one another for much of the book
and then there is a flurry of emotion and angst as they try to decide what to
do about their relationship and the duel. However, the duel itself progresses
with a glacial slowness as they attempt to out-magic one another. Their
competition is severely hampered by them being unaware of any rules or the end
point that they need to attain. They continue to create attractions at the
Circus in an attempt to out perform one another, but with no apparent point
scoring or benefit on either side. This takes the idea of a duel, which
signifies a fight in my mind, and makes it rather dull. We learn that the
previous duel lasted for thirty-seven years before one of the competitors
committed suicide: presumably out of a desperation to not have their life ruled
by some stupid game that they did not understand and could not hope to win.
Celia and
Marco are given very little character development and many of the secondary
characters are limited to the roughest sketches. Our ‘lovers’ spend a great
deal of the book unaware of the other’s existence and then meet and fall in
love for no apparent reason. We do see Marco falling for another woman and this
was nicely done, although I was somewhat confused until I realized that this
woman was NOT Celia. This poor woman joins the Circus as the fortuneteller in
order to spy on Celia for Marco and is eventually driven to despair. Her
actions threaten the lives of everyone involved with the Circus. I felt very
sorry for her and Marco’s behavior towards her is selfish and uncaring: not
good characteristics for the hero of a story. On the whole, I felt sorry for
the pair because of how they had been mistreated by their trainers, but not
much else.
competing magician-trainers, who provide the impetus for the story, are cold
psychopaths who are consumed by their prideful attempts to prove which of them
is better as a trainer. It appears that they have conducted this contest over
hundreds of years with not a single care for the magicians that they have
trained or the other people who have been affected by their competition. I
really did hope that they would both get some well-deserved punishment for
their atrocious behavior, but I was sadly disappointed. I was also disappointed
that Celia and Marco were so compliant with these monsters’ demands: we saw no
resistance or rebellion, just meek acceptance. Of the other characters, I was
most intrigued by the Twins, who are the only members of the Circus who age,
but they are mainly included to provide Bailey with a way to reach his DESTINY,
which was telegraphed from fairly early on in the book.
One other
aspect that was frustrating in the extreme was the non-linear presentation of
the segments. I had been warned about this before I started reading, but it
still presented problems because the dates were often very close together. I
realize that the reason for this was to allow for the introduction of Bailey
near to the beginning of the book, but by doing this Ms Morgenstern made it
very obvious what his role would be at the end of the story.
In short,
the descriptions of the Circus and its wonders were excellent and evocative. However,
they filled most of the book and slowed down the plot to a snail’s pace. The
plot itself was uninteresting and the characters were mostly poorly drawn and
therefore unlovable. I have seen many reviews from people who loved this book,
but I cannot understand why.
Who Loved It
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