Rating: 4.0 / 5.0
Rating: 4.40 / 5.00
Goodreads Rating:
4.12 / 5.00
Mayhew is an ordinary guy living a dull life. He has a boring job and an
overbearing girlfriend, but he is not unhappy. During one of their many
arguments he stumbles over a girl bleeding in the street and decides to help
her. This decision changes his life forever as he is drawn into her world: the
dark and magical world of London Underground. There, he will travel through
sewers, tunnels and disused underground stations, encountering Old Bailey, The
Angel Islington, Serpentine and the Blackfriars.
The Lady
Door has the ability to open any door, but has just returned home to find her
entire family murdered. She is running from the probable murderers: Mr Croup
and Mr Vandemar, a pair of very sinister thugs. She seeks help from the Marquis
de Carabas and recruits the mysterious Hunter as her bodyguard, but it seems
that Richard will be vital for the completion of her quest: to find out who
killed her family and why.
I read
this book as part of a Read
Along, even though I had never read any of Neil Gaiman’s other titles. The
book is the novelized version of a TV show, written for the BBC and shown in
1996, which I had actually seen and been impressed by. In many ways, the book’s
origins are pretty obvious, because it has a very visual quality and is very
‘busy’ with lots of movement and a large cast. Ultimately, this leads to a few
too many ideas, locations and characters, which left me with questions
unanswered at the end of the book. However, it is wildly imaginative and will
keep you guessing for every step of the way.
the most striking thing about this book is the world building. At first, London
Below seems to be simply an underground society of the dispossessed and
forgotten. But, as we travel further in and further down, we come across
increasingly magical and fantastical elements until we almost feel as if we are
in Alice’s Wonderland or Dorothy’s Oz. Many of the inhabitants of this world
appear to be normal humans, but they may have amazing talents or be the relics
of a previous time period. One very disturbing feature of London Below is that
entering into it causes your life in London Above to unravel. Once Richard has
been drawn into the world he finds that the people above have forgotten his
existence and cannot really ‘see’ him anymore. This makes it a cruel and
hopeless world in many ways, so that it seems more nightmare than dream.
Many of
the major characters are very gray in terms of their motivation. Although we
are sure that Richard and Door are the ‘good guys’, many of the other
characters are much more doubtful. For example, the Marquis is a very difficult
character to trust. Door trusts him totally, but throughout the first part of
the book we are constantly given reason to doubt his loyalty and to suspect him
of playing a double agent. We see something similar with Messers Croup and
Vandemar. Yes, they are exceedingly dangerous murderers and Mr Vandemar eats
raw animals, is immune to pain and has spit like superglue, but they are simply
mercenaries. They do what they are paid to do, although they do enjoy it rather
too much. This uncertainty about some of the characters was very refreshing and
made them feel so much more real than if they had been written as the usual
two-dimensional offerings.
even the central figures of Richard and Door are not typical either. Door is
not a helpless maiden in distress in need of rescuing. This is fortunate,
because Richard is most certainly not a knight in shining armor. He is full of
self-doubt and desperately wants to return to his old life. However, we see him
grow and come to realize that he has more strength than he had ever realized.
During the journey we share his sense of disbelief and of being off-balance. He
questions what he sees and so do we as we see the world through his eyes.
The plot
was basically a quest journey, so it followed a predictable path in its
broadest outline. However, there were enough twists and turns to keep me
guessing at what was coming next. There were also moments of high tension and
deep despair, so that I wanted to know how they escaped from the latest trap or
problem. But, in many ways, the plot took a bit of a back seat to the world
building and the introduction of new and interesting characters.
Overall, this was a fun read,
although I felt like it was a little lacking in depth. I would have preferred
fewer characters and settings so that we could have learnt more about each of
them. I do wonder if the original idea was for more than one series. I am left
with far too many questions and ideas that I want to explore, which is vaguely
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