Rating: 1.0 / 5.0
Amazon Rating: 4.10 / 5.00
Goodreads Rating: 3.89 / 5.00
I was sent a copy of this book free from the author via a Librarything Member
Giveaway, in return for an honest review.
From Goodreads:
1: 12 billion taken.
Day 1:
2: 13 billion taken.
Day 2:
3: 13 billion taken.
Day 3:
The fight for survival begins.
2048, the human population borders 39 billion after the termination of the
birth control industry, and the realities of overcrowding have sunken into the
minds of the world, until billions mysteriously go missing. In the wake of
civilization’s collapse, a trio of teenage gamers from Washington struggle to
endure. Maggy, a strong-willed intellectual, leads Darrel and Félix, two shy
geeks, on an expedition down the west coast, as they try to determine the
source of humanity’s downfall.
post-apocalyptic sci-fi thriller.
As you
can see from the description above, this looks like an interesting premise, so
I was pleased to receive a free copy from the author. I am partial to good
Sci-Fi and I like the way that post-apocalyptic novels can explore society and
show character development. However, this book left me confused, frustrated and
begin the book in the point of view of Darrel and we are told almost at once
that the cause of the ‘mysterious’ disappearances is not all that mysterious:
huge space craft arrived over all the major cities on Earth the day before the
first people vanished. Although Darrel has no idea how they were taken, it is
obvious that they have been beamed aboard the space ships or vaporized by the
aliens. It seems that Darrel was spared from his parents’ fate by some foil
that he had wrapped around his bed many years earlier. This seemed a pretty
groan-worthy plot device, but was confirmed when both of Darrel’s equally nerdy
friends were the sole survivors in their households. They team up, wrap
themselves in foil, and set off to find out where everyone has gone. They discover
that some humans have been left behind so that they can be hunted by the aliens
who look like six-legged lions, which the team nickname ‘alions’. After
surviving a massive explosion and several car crashes I could no longer suspend
my disbelief and stopped reading, so I do not know if the trio managed to
defeat the alien menace, although I imagine that they do.
the description I was expecting a lot more mystery and tension than the book
delivered. This could have been resolved by placing the teens in a more rural
setting and disabling the television and radio systems so that they had no idea
what was going on. We would then have had a much more gradual and tense
discovery of the aliens and their intentions. I also struggled with the teens
surviving incidents that would have left them all badly injured and incapable
of continuing their journey. These seemed unnecessary, placing them in
situations of jeopardy through their own stupidity and requiring unbelievable
and overly dramatic escapes. Surviving one such incident can be ascribed to
amazingly good luck, but a series of them reduces my capacity to believe in the
characters if they are supposed to be normal humans in a normal universe.
main characters were fairly cliché and two dimensional, with the obligatory
love triangle to add to the mix. They made some very odd decisions, such as
driving towards the giant alien ship hovering over Seattle, rather than driving
away from it or at least going around the city. Although I can understand that
teenagers might not make the best decisions in this kind of situation, they did
seem to behave in a manner that was inconsistent with their supposed
intelligence. Their dialogue was very irritating, with an overuse of the terms
‘bromigo / bramiga’. Also, it was also unfortunate that the author chose to use both
the characters’ names and nicknames without any explanation of who was
who, so I was often confused about who was being spoken to or about.
I also
think that it was a serious misstep to change the point of view from one
chapter to the next. This would have worked well if the author
was not using a first person narrative. At the beginning of the second chapter it
took me several pages to work out whose head I was in. This was very confusing
and seemed mostly a way of telling us what Maggy was feeling about Felix, which
could have been done far more successfully by showing us through her dialogue
and actions.
book was not without imagination. I was intrigued by some of the technology
that the author envisioned for this future Earth, which was mostly powered by
solar technology. I loved the idea that the solar-powered cars were too quiet
to be safe and so they had to emit fake car noises to stop people being run
over. However, the solar power did act as a plot device as well because
it allowed electrical appliances to work, making survival a whole lot easier than
it would be in the same situation today. We were told that Maggy had metallic
eyes and I wanted to know more about that and why she had them. Were they
necessary because she was blind or had damaged her normal eyes, or were they
some sort of upgrade? Were they a fairly typical thing or extremely rare and
In short,
this book was not really what the description promised, and that is always
disappointing to discover. If a story promises a mystery I expect to read a far
bit of it before I discover what the mystery actually is, otherwise I lose the sense of suspense. If I am sold a story
of teens struggling to endure, I expect them to do just that: I do not expect
them to simply walk down to the local megamart and stock up on everything they
need and suffer no hardships at all because everything is solar powered. Throw
in some not very well developed characters that do highly improbable things and
I am not likely to care what happens to them.
Hi Sue,
ReplyDeleteI think you confused my character Maggy with another character from another book. She is never described as having metallic eyes. As for the POV shifts, if you would have read to chapter five, you would have known why it was necessary, as the story splits when the group is separated, reuniting in the last chapter. Regarding the names/nicknames, Maggy only calls Darrel and Félix by their real names once, in chapter three when she introduces them to Penelope. Every time before and after she calls them Jelly and Tortilla, respectively. Darrel and Félix only call each other by their real names. An explanation of who is who is in chapter one:
'“The second,” Félix said, taking a sip from a water bottle.
I had already engulfed half a container in the few minutes since we had sat.
The icy liquid helped steady my out-of-control heartbeat.
“Sorry, Tortilla, must be a little harder.” He didn’t reply,
just slowly drank his water. “Jelly, can you help me?” She struggled to wind
the foil around her back.
“Yeah,” I said. I didn’t mind her nickname for me, even
though it meant I was bigger, it also implied a sweetness, like Santa Claus and
his bowl of a stomach. Félix never complained about his either, but he
subscribed to even fewer cultural stereotypes than she did, plus his mother
never cared for it, always making sure that Maggy understood that they weren’t
Mexican but Salvadoran. Why it mattered though, I never understood.'
I'm sorry the story was disappointing/frustrating to you.
John Hennessy
Hi John,
ReplyDeleteThe reason I thought that Maggy had metal eyes was because it says "My metal eyes stared at nothing, a void of black." This is in Chapter 2, the second page in the Kindle edition. For some reason this stuck in my mind, as I thought it explained why her eyes were an unusual yellow color: I assumed they were brass / golden.
As I said above, the change of POV would have been fine if the book were not written in the first person. The nicknames were a minor niggle, but I did find them distracting.
Hi again,
ReplyDeleteMetal here was being used here to mean leaden. Even though you're the first reviewer to think she has metallic eyes, I'll have to change that so no one else gets confused.
I'm sorry you thought I didn't explain the nicknames—you must have skipped over that paragraph—as that was a crucial detail in following the first person POV shift.
Happy reading,
John Hennessy