Sunday, November 30, 2014

Towers of Midnight by Robert Jordan: Week 2

If you haven't read the book, or the whole series, why not join in and read along with the rest of us? This week the links to the other posts can be found at the bottom of this post.

This week we read through to the end of the Chapter 13.

1) Gawyn and the Warder Sleet are playing detective over the murdered Aes Sedai. Care to compare them to other literary detectives? Do you think Egwene is correct in thinking a Forsaken is behind the murders?

I cannot quite see Gawyn as Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot! He and Sleete do seem to be noticing things that have been missed by the Aes Sedai, but I am not convinced that they are going to solve this mystery all by themselves. I suspect that it will need to be a collective effort, if Egwene can bring herself to trust Gawyn with more information.

My first thought was that these murders must be the work of those nasty Seanchan super ninjas that were left behind after the attack. I was surprised when Egwene suggested that it was Mesaana causing the deaths because it does not make much sense. Unless being a threat to the Forsaken somehow connects all these Sisters, I do not understand why she would suddenly start killing them now. Also, she would surely use the One Power rather than a knife. The discovery of the black silk makes me even more certain that this is not Mesaana, but Tuon’s suicidal assassins: after all, she did think about how none of them would return from the Tower after the attack.

2) Graendal was interrupted while reading A Light in the Snow (what genre book do you think that was?) to have a meeting with Moridin, wherein he reveals the book or prophecies. What prophecies do you think the dark side has? And what about the prophecy that Perrin shall die at the bad guys' hands?

I find it difficult to imagine Graendal reading a soppy Romance novel. I imagine that she is much more into psychological mysteries, but I could be wrong! :D

This book of prophecies could be very interesting, and I hope that it is the collection that Verin mentioned. I wonder if the dotty old Brown managed to get a peek at it before her untimely suicide. Learning about more of the prophecies could help us to understand some of the decisions made by the Forsaken, but I doubt that we will get to discover many of them. Of course, they are just as open to misinterpretation and error as the ones that we have seen on the Light side, so they may be fairly useless.

I was rather shocked at the thought that Perrin is supposed to die in the Last Battle, as I had rather assumed that he and Mat would survive even though Rand will obviously perish (Min has ‘viewed’ his funeral pyre). I hope that this proves to be one of the incorrect prophecies, or perhaps Moridin and Graendal have simply misinterpreted who is being spoken about. Hopefully it is ambiguous enough that Perrin may not be the one who is supposed to die . . .

On a side note, I got the distinct impression that it was bound in human skin . . . yikes! :(

3) Did anyone else get a giggle when Morgase demands of Perrin, 'Do you know my heart?' in regards to her feelings for Talanvor? What did you think of Perrin's & Galad's meeting? How do you think the face off on the field of battle shall go?

I thought Morgase was quite right to tell Perrin to “Get stuffed!” For someone who claims that he does not want to be a leader, this was an astoundingly patronizing proclamation from him. Whilst I agree that Morgase would do a lot better after some serious sexytimes with Tallanvor, I cannot condone such offensive behavior from Perrin: shame on you, Blacksmith!

I thought that the meeting went as well as I expected. Neither man has the full truth of the situation, which has led them both to make the wrong decision even if it is for all the right reasons. I was particularly concerned by both Perrin and Edarra thinking that all the other Whitecloaks, apart from Galad, had a feeling of wrongness about them. We know that both Byar and Bornhald are biased against Perrin, but I had rather hoped that they others would be more neutral in their dealings with him.

It seems like both men believe that they have the superior numbers, which makes very little sense unless the Whitecloaks have not actually seen the Aiel working with Perrin. Whilst I think that we will see both armies prepare for battle, I am not sure that either man will want to be the first to charge the ‘enemy’ and so we may find that some third party intervenes and stops the fight before it can start. I suspect that they will avoid all out warfare somehow . . . perhaps the Shaido will finally show up and give them something to agree about.

4) We run into Mat at the Seven Striped Lass tavern (is that yet another reference to spanking?) and toying with Verin's letter. Later that night he battles the golem. Do you think the threat of the golem will be the thing that forces Mat to open Verin's letter? Teslyn speaks plainly and honestly to Mat, thanking him, and then fights the golem with him. Do you think this will alter his attitude towards Aes Sedai in the future?

Obviously, I am far more innocent than you, Susan, because I assumed that it was referring to the Amyrlin! :D

I suspect that Mat will only open Verin’s letter when he has waited the allotted time: if he was prepared to break his oath he would have done it by now. In fact, I can imagine that the arrival of the gholam might distract him enough that he forgets about it for some time.

I was pleasantly surprised by Teslyn’s actions, and I hope that this marks a change in the way that some Aes Sedai treat Mat. He may be irritating, but he is ta’veren, a great friend to the Dragon Reborn and the husband of the Seanchan Empress. Also, it is very obviously that he will be an important general in the Last Battle. These are all excellent reasons to develop a decent working relationship with the man, in my opinion. I hope that he can start to trust more of the Sisters, but that will largely depend on how rude they are to him.

5) Elayne has to make a decision soon about what to do with the captives (those who did not support her). What do you think she should do? Also, she plans to take Cairhein. Do you think this is wise and will be as easy as she thinks it will be?

It seems to me that she has a selection of bad options, so it is a case of choosing the least offensive and moving on to pastures new. She certainly needs to do something, and I am not sure that she is thinking very clearly at the moment.

I was surprised by her announcement about Cairhein, especially as she has only just got her bum on the Lion Throne! However, it does make some sense, especially as it gives everyone an enemy to rally against and a task that requires them to unite as a nation. It might also provide the less supportive nobles with an incentive to play nice, otherwise she might use them as cannon fodder! :D

I just have to mention how much I enjoyed Mat’s wonderful letter . . . I loved the comment about him not rewriting it because Thom was laughing so much! :D

6) Rand returns to Tear. Please comment upon his reunion with everyone there such as Min, tam, Nynaeve, Cadsuane, the Aiel, etc. Where do you think Alanna has gone? Who will Rand set Cadsuane to finding? Will Rand be able to meet his toh towards the Maidens and the Aiel in general?

It is going to take a little time for me to get used to the new, Christ-like Rand, with his happy happiness and warm, fuzzy glowingness. It was very nice to see how his transformation has affected Min, and the teary greeting for Tam was very touching. I loved the way he beat Nynaeve at her own game and then berated Cadsuane in a gentle, almost teasing way.

At first I thought that Alanna might have gone to the Tower, but it seems that she has gone wherever Verin was wanting to send people. I presume that this has placed her in great danger and that we will learn all about it very soon. As for Cadsuane, Rand could have her searching for just about anyone: I have no idea who it might be. I am equally stumped when it comes to his decision to repay his toh to the Aiel. I just hope that we will not see him moving drips of water or something else completely useless.

I am fairly concerned about his comment about going back to the Tower. As he intends to take Bashere, this could be a tension situation, and I am sure that both he and Egwene will be angry by the time it is over.


  1. Everyone's got a different idea about what Graendal was reading, and everyone's logic makes perfect sense to me. Why does Sanderson have to tantalize us this way? (And it's not even an important plot detail!) I was pleasantly surprised by Teslyn as well. I loved Mat's letter as well. The detail about Thom laughing was one of the best things about it! You would think this meeting Rand is going to will be tense, but he's just so zen about everything now, that I have a hard time making myself worry. :D
    My WoT Post

  2. I can see Graendal into the psychological thriller for the gorey bits.

    Maybe the prophecy is geared more towards Perrin's dreamself, or even his wolfself. What would happen if Perrin lost a part of himself that way? Hmmm....

    As you pointed out last week (and this is something I totally missed), Morgase is in Perrin's camp and Galad is her stepson. That would be a game changer.

    Ha! I never even thought of the Amyrlin as the 7 striped lass!

    That was a great letter from Mat. I am surprised his earlier missives didn't make it through and that it took his rudest (or randiest) letter to raise enough eyebrows and be passed up to Elayne.

    I hope Rand is going to the Tower for battle Ajah as he will need them. And healers.

    1. I rather hope that Perrin doesn't lose his inner wolf - especially as he seems to be making progress towards integration, but anything is still possible at this point . . .

      I'd rather like Morgase to simple tell Galad not to be so stupid, but I suspect that we will get a more complicated solution to this problem.

      You would have thought that Mat's earlier letters would have sounded as if he knew her, but Mr Norry is a little overprotective and I am sure that he was quite shocked by the tone of their content! :D


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