My Rating: 4.0 / 5
Winner: Romantic Times Book
Reviewers’ Choice Award for Best Fantasy Novel 2009
Centuries ago the Aetherials ventured from their
worlds in the Spiral to move amongst us. At first they showed their true forms,
part animal or winged, but they soon learnt to appear human, and so the
memories of animal-headed gods and winged angels became myths and folklore. In
modern England, the small village of Cloudcroft is home to a number of
Aetherials, including Lawrence Wilder, the Gatekeeper, who controls the Gates
to the Otherworld. There are many small Gates spread all over the Earth, but every
seven years, on the Night of the Summer Stars, all adult Aetherials gather at
Freya’s Crown, near Cloudcroft, to travel through the main Gates to reconnect
with the essential energy of their home realms. However, this time, Lawrence
detects a great danger in the Otherworld that threatens to travel through the
Gates and destroy all the Aetherials on Earth, so he seals all of them and
refuses to reopen any of them for any reason. As the years pass, the young
Aetherials cannot take part in the usual rite of passage in the Otherworld and
struggle with the decision: to remain true to Aetherial culture, or to reject
it and become as human as possible. Ugly family secrets and personal feuds
bubble to the surface as the Gates remain closed and the need to reclaim their
connection with the Spiral becomes a necessity to all the Aethereals, young and
We follow the families of young Aetherials Rosie Fox
and Sam Wilder as they grow to adulthood amongst their Earth-bound families.
Rosie seems to have the perfect home and family, although her elder brother,
Matt, is domineering and distrustful of their Aetherial heritage. She and
younger brother, Lucas, are more intrigued by their unusual abilities, such as
their perception of the parallel Dusklands, which are like a psychedelic
version of Earth. Sam is a delinquent who cannot seem to stay out of trouble,
although his motives are often protective of his younger brother, Jon. Over the
following years Matt rejects everything Aetherial as he takes a human wife, the
mouse-like Faith, while Jon and Lucas attempt to reopen the Gates by using a
combination of drugs. Rosie is desperately in love with Jon, but he is
seemingly unaware of her existence and she finally agrees to marry Alastair, a
human friend of Matt’s. However, bad boy Sam has always been fixated with her
and as the wedding approaches she is hopelessly drawn to him. When a terrible
accident occurs, Rosie and Sam must journey into the Otherworld to defeat the
Evil lurking there in order to save themselves and their families.
I have read quite a lot of fantasy, and would count
myself as a fan of the genre, so I was looking forward to this unusual version
of the fairy / elf world. The Aetherials’ Spiral, their history and culture are
fascinating, as are the parallel versions of Earth that they can access.
However, I felt that we spent far too little time exploring that aspect of the
story. Instead, most of the book is given over to the family dramas that
surround the main characters, which I found a little disappointing. The first
half to two-thirds of the book was slow and got bogged down in exploring the
family relationships and dynamics, with the fantasy elements really pushed to
the background. However, once the transition to the Otherworld occurred, and
the fantasy aspects came to the fore, the pace increased and the book became
much more successful. Unfortunately, as Liviu Suciu at Fantasy Book Critic points out, even here the world building
could have been far more detailed, and I hope that the second book in the
series spends much more time exploring this fascinating world.
The main characters are very three dimensional,
though not necessarily very likeable. Many of the characters have secrets and
do not behave honestly with their friends and family, which leads to a great
deal of drama and tension, but makes it difficult to sympathize with them. This
becomes a major problem when they are placed in danger and we need to care
about them and their survival. Not that the human characters are any less
dysfunctional. In fact, the two most destructive characters in the book are
humans, bringing abusive incest and homicidal psychopathy to the party, so in
some regards the Aetherials are far more sympathetic. However, infidelity is a
recurring motif, as is self-deception, so it seems the author has a fascination
with the lies we tell one-another and ourselves. Although there are a lot of
clichéd Romantic Fiction aspects here, I do have to agree with Sarah at Bookworm Blues: the more melodramatic romantic plot points did not have me
rolling my eyes and reaching for my sick bucket. The characters are so well
drawn that their actions are totally believable, in a “Oh no! Don’t do that!”
kind of way.
One aspect of this book that I really loved was the
way in which the various houses and buildings have their own life force and
presence. The Foxes’ home is warm and inviting, which seems to reflect the
family’s connection to the earth magic of their particular Otherworld realm.
The fact that the house can change and shift to provide what the characters
need is almost more fantastical than the whole ‘alien elves living amongst us’
idea. We see this to much greater effect in the Wilder house. Being of the air
realm, these characters are much colder and cerebral, with Lawrence, in
particular, having a kind of obsessional self-containment that borders on
madness. His house has a cold menace that is truly chilling and makes the
unpleasant secrets that are revealed there even more unbearable. The disturbing
images that surround the characters in prison reminded me of Hieronymus Bosch’s
depictions of Hell, making me wonder how any Aetherial could survive an
extended time in such an environment without losing their mind.
I really wanted to love this book as much as Kristen at Fantasy Cafe, and I did appreciate the wonderful writing and
characterization, but I wanted more fantasy and less family angst in this
‘Fantasy’ title.
There was an authentic Pagan feel to this book that I felt strengthened the fantasy world, from the Otherworld aspects and earth magic, to solistice gatherings--- and gardening. I loved the last garden that Rosie built in spirals. Even the tree lady felt Pagan to me, and I guess it was those elements that drew me into the story. I was not expecting a happy ending with this book and was pleased to find one. I was glad that all that family drama and angst was either confronted, excepted, or resolved.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, I found the Aetherials' deep connection to Nature very resonant. Also, I liked the way that their true forms could explain so many stories from myth, folklore and early religions - it made a nice change from the usual "they walk amongst us undetected" cliche - but it also reminded me of how humanity has lost that connection with the wonders of Nature in so many ways.